Our stalls have rubber mats and are bedded with Guardian Horse Bedding. The stalls are cleaned every day. In the east barn the stalls are 10x14. In the west barn stalls are 12x12. Each stall has an individual slider window with a screen. All have grills between neighboring stalls and half doors so that the horses can socialize. Each stall has a light and an electrical outlet. Heated water buckets are provided in winter.
and Water
Alfalfa/grass hay is fed four times per day in winter. In summer, the horses are on pasture during the day and are fed hay in their stalls at night. We feed Tribute Kalm n EZ. Purina Senior feed is available for a small additional charge. In addition, all horses receive Equi-Shine (a complete vitamin and mineral supplement) and loose salt. Heated water buckets and stock tanks are used in winter and all buckets and tanks are cleaned regularly.

Our horses go out everyday unless weather conditions make it unsafe. Turnout is generally from 7:30 a.m. until sunset. Each barn has an attached paddock for turnout when access to the pastures needs to be restricted. Each barn goes out as a group, mares and geldings together.
In Spring and Summer, the horses are on pasture during the day. We have four 1 acre pastures available to each barn (8 acres of pasture total). The horses are rotated between the pastures weekly to prevent overgrazing.
For more information about our barns and arenas please visit the Facilities page.